Canine Dental Cleanings

Just like humans, man's best friend requires routine dental care to remain healthy and happy. Preventative dental maintenance can promote pet longevity and avoid health problems such as heart and kidney disease.
If your pet is displaying tartar buildup, bad breath, bleeding gums or trouble with chewing, it could be the first sign of dental issues. In addition to routine home brushing, most veterinarians suggest dental cleanings every 2-3 years. The cost of canine dental cleanings varies by location and the size and age of your pet, however, you should expect the cost of a dental cleaning to fall between $300-500. The process of cleanings includes placing your pet under general anesthesia, scaling and polishing. While less invasive procedures are being introduced to the veterinary market, they can't replace a deep cleaning from which most pets require.
There are several things you can do to help keep your dog’s teeth in good shape. Start a dental care routine as early as possible in your dog’s life so he get used to the feeling of having his teeth brushed and inspected. Puppies have 28 deciduous teeth that typically fall out by about six months of age. By this time, your dog should be on a regular dental care routine. Daily tooth brushing is ideal, however, if you are unable to brush the teeth every day or two, look for an alternative, such as special dental chews or a food/water additive.
While most veterinarians are able to complete a dental cleaning, there are also veterinarian dental specialists. We use a dental specialist in Arlington, Dr. Bonnie Bloom. She focuses her work in canine dental disease and always does a fantastic job. No matter whom you choose, remember to take good care of your pet including their pearly whites.